Friday, January 09, 2009


Although modern life subliminally recommends one to be like Ray Milland in LOST WEEKEND, nullifying the mind and reducing the systemic shock of the world to a faint oblivion, I cannot say my excuse for not writing (or writing in invisible ink? Nah, an impossible excuse) was the drink. No, a wintering amnesia, an inadvertent hibernation. In order to wake the mind (yours, mine)
with some textual coffee, I'll make my remarks in bullet-point fashion:

** All poets are STILL thieves!! Damn!!

** Damn THE VILLAGE VOICE for firing Nat Hentoff!! Now that rag lacks jazz, passion, politics, and moral courage. I'll start to read US or MAXIM to magnify my mind.

** Damn the Israeli Defense Force for killing hundreds and hundreds of Palestinians and justifying the actions. Pox on Hamas militants for civilian rockets, raising terror, and clinging to idiotic ideology.

** Damn Mayor Michael Bloomberg for ludicrous, cowboy rhetoric concerning Israel's incursions. Blustery and strident, the Big Man really thinks of himself as a formidable presence on the world stage. Were he to become a U.S. President he would seek seven consecutive terms.

** Damn all the little twits with their text messages and cell phones. Because they often forget to coordinate their limbs and begin to walk in diagonals while texting or phoning, they get occasionally assaulted physically by me and, hopefully, you copy-cats after reading this rant and agreeing with it.

** Damn the purveyors of Warholian superficiality in the visual and verbal arts. Kudos to RENAISSANCE for marvelous insight in his January 5th posting for THE TEMPEST!

** Damn all Dams! Peace be unto the earth and its circulation.

**Damn, it's another year! Maybe you should resign or's OH NINE! OH NO!